
讲座通知:同济大学金融工程系列公共讲座——Yesterday’s Tomorrows: Past Visions of Future Financial Markets

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题目/Title: Yesterday’s Tomorrows:  Past Visions of Future Financial Markets

报告人/Lecturer: Professor Robert Ivory Webb, 美国弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院/McIntire School of Commerce, Univ. of Virginia (VA, USA)
时间/Time: 2015/3/18(周3)晚 7:00PM-8:30PM
地点/Venu: 致远楼107(同济大学数学系[四平校区])
It is easy to imagine that the present,yesterday’s tomorrow was always the future expected in the past. Yet, what we now accept as the normal state of affairs, the present was not the only possible outcome that could have come to pass nor was it often the most commonly expected one.  What is now considered "inevitable" –when viewed from the vantage point of 20/20 hindsight—was often not immediately embraced or accepted.  In order to understand where we are going it is important to understand where we have been and how we got there.  I will discuss some past visions of the future of financial markets, in general, and derivative markets, in particular, as seen by academics, practitioners and policymakers at various points in time.  
There are few advantages of age but one of them is the opportunity to witness changes and remember the contemporary context in which they occurred.  I have been fortunate to have had a catbird seat to observe some of the important changes in financial markets; first as a student of finance, and later with service: at a regulator; at an exchange; as a trader; in academia.  I will draw upon some of my recollections and personal experiences in the discussion that follows.?  
Dr. Robert Ivory Webb教授   本科毕业于美国威斯康星大学,并在芝加哥大学商学院获得金融博士学位,曾先后任教于洛杉矶南加州大学商学院、弗吉尼亚大学麦金太尔商学院和达顿商学院、韩国KAIST商学院,讲授金融与商业经济、投资与证券分析,并开创了南加州大学的期货与投机市场的课程。1980年起,Robert Webb教授先后担任期货交易委员会的资深经济学家、总统行政办公室高级财政专家、行政管理和预算与高级顾问等职,参与了评估金融工具创新、利率政策和汇率政策的影响等。之后,他又担任了国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)顾问,负责投资部门的风险战略管理。1998年至今,他担任《期货市场杂志》主编,并兼任《期货市场杂志》和《期货市场评论》的编委会成员。他的研究领域包括:金融交易;财务风险;产权投资;市场和固定收入保险;投资银行学;财务管理;财务预测与战略等等,并都有所建树,出版了多本著作,在学术界占有重要地位。