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报告人: 郑学勤博士(Dr. Eugene Zheng)


报告时间: 3月31日13:30—15:00pm


报告地点: 同济大学数学系致远楼107 演讲厅 [上海杨浦区四平路1239 号同济大学]


报告人简介:郑学勤博士(Dr. Eugene Zheng), 芝加哥期权交易所高级董事总经理(负责国际业务)。在任此职之前,曾任机构市场部主任、董事长特别顾问,以及董事总经理(负责亚洲业务)等职。郑学勤是证监会国际顾问委员会委员,上海期货交易所期货学院战略顾问委员会委员,中国金融期货交易所期权专家小组成员。他在「中国证券报」等刊物经常发表文章,并译过《麦克米伦谈期权》、《期权交易策略》和《股市趋势技术分析》等著作。他在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校获有博士学位。


Dr. Eugene Zheng, Senior Managing Director (of International Development) of Chicago Board Options Exchange. Prior to this position, he was Director of Institutional Business, Special Advisor to Chairman and Managing Director (of Asia Affairs). Mr. Zheng is a member of International Advisory Council of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, a member of the Strategic Committee of Shanghai Futures and Derivatives Institute (of Shanghai Futures Exchange) and a member of the Advisory Group on Options (of China Financial Futures Exchange). He contributes frequently to financial journals such as China Securities Daily, and has translator several books, such as Lawrence McMillan’s McMillan On Options and Options As a Strategic Investment, and Robert Edwards and John Magee’s Technical Analysis of Stock Trends. Mr. Zheng had his doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
