
讲座预告:Inclusive versus Exclusive Markets: Search Frictions and Competing Mechanisms

分类: 513 0

   时间:      12月17日(周四)下午13:30-16:30

   地点:      同济大学A楼309 会议室(四平路1500号)

  主持人:   陈伟忠 教授、博导

题目1:Bank Competition and Leverage Adjustment: Evidence from China

报告人:Kenneth A. KIM 教授

题目2:Inclusive versus Exclusive Markets: Search Frictions and Competing Mechanisms


Dr. Kenneth A. KIM is Professor of Finance at Tongji University. Prior to joining Tongji, Dr. Kim was a finance professor at Renmin University and a tenured professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Dr. Kim’s research interests include corporate finance, corporate governance, capital markets, and behavioral finance. His research has been published in leading finance journals, such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Business, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Financial Markets, and Journal of Banking and Finance. He is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research, and Finance Research Letters, and is an editorial board member of Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, and was a former editorial board member of the Journal of International Business Studies. According to Elsevier Science, Dr. Kim is one of the top 15 most highly cited economics and finance scholars in China.

蔡晓鸣现为同济大学经管学院经济金融系助理教授。此前,他曾就读阿姆斯特丹自由大学并获经济学博士学位,荷兰丁伯根研究所并获经济学硕士学位,北京大学国际关系以及数学双学士学位。他的研究方向主要是运用search and matching模型研究产品市场,宏观劳动市场以及金融市场。他的研究成果曾发表于Labour Economics 和 Economics Letters。
